POWNAL — Steven Sinclair and Shivam Kumar began to feel the weight of their task just minutes after they began their snowy, half-hour trek Friday morning to the top of Bradbury Mountain.Slush fell in clumps from tree limbs onto the forest floor, which was covered in leaves and mud. In minutes, the Edward Little High School juniors were cold and wet.And the 10-pound stone in Sinclair’s pack — engraved with the initials of Lewiston native Daniel Cunningham, a 2003 casualty of the war in Iraq — seemed to grow.
Here is the link from the ELHS hike. Great work to the 70+ hikers on a cold and wet morning who put their own discomforts aside and were part of something bigger than themselves. So proud of all of you. MAKE SURE to watch the 1 minute video that is is part of this link. MHANF.