The quiet stories of 2013 weren’t ‘trending’ on Twitter, but were fascinating, moving – By Sarah Smiley — Jan 5, 2014
On New Year’s Eve, a round-up of 2013’s “trending” stories and people — including Miley Cyrus, Paula Deen and Phil Robertson — got me thinking … and discouraged. There are so many wonderful, quiet stories in communities across the country that never “trend.” The search terms don’t “auto-fill” on Google. The people behind the stories are hardly household names. And yet, these stories are certainly more fascinating than Miley Cyrus and her twerking.
Three of these quiet stories that I witnessed this past year are below.
First, in October, our family met and had dinner with David Cote, a major in the Marine Corps and the 2011 Military Time’s Marine of the Year. A go-getter since he started his own paper route in Bangor at the age of eight, Cote later became an Eagle Scout in high school. Now, the young major is embarking on his biggest and most important feat yet: the Summit Project. READ MORE.