We are pleased to announce the Honor Case will be on display at the Southern Maine Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery beginning in January!
Stones to be displayed during this period:
USMC LCPL Joshua M. Bernard
Army CPT John “Jay” R. Brainard III
ANG MSGT Eric A. Cole, Jr.
Army SGT Tyler R. Curtis
Army SFC Shawn C. Dostie
Army CPL Jason D. Fisher
Army SPC Jeremiah J. Holmes
Army PFC Justin J. Kennie
USMC MAJ Samuel C. Leigh
Army SGT Brett E. Pelotte
Army SSG Eric S.E. Ross
USCG FN Derek W. Russell
Army SPC Wade A. Slack
Army PFC Andrew R. Small
Army PVT Dustin R.F. Small
Army PFC Tyler M. Springmann
Army SGT Nathan C. Stewart
Army CPT Christopher J. Sullivan
Army SPC Deon L. Taylor
Army SGT Christopher M. Wilson
While on display the Honor Case will be located at 131 Johnson Rd, Portland, ME 04102.