Wednesday, July 8, 2015 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Location: The Summit Project Comes to Lincoln, 1 Penobscot Valley Avenue, Lincoln, Maine
For more information: 207-290-2768;
The Summit Project (TSP) will conduct a tribute march on August 7th, 2015 immediately followed thereafter by a ribbon cutting ceremony at 5:00 at Machias Savings Bank Penobscot Valley Ave branch. This ceremony will commence a 6-week period over which staff will stand watch over this case, protecting both the stones and the memories of our fallen Maine servicemembers.
This display will remain in the custody of Machias Savings Bank as we bring many of the fallen home to the Northern Maine communities where they once resided. Stones within this display will help share the memories of our fallen, along with the mission of TSP, with members of our community. The majority of TSP stones will remain available at the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) for customary tribute treks. Each stone will be carried by selected individuals as we continue to honor our fallen servicemembers by challenging the living.
Our mission is to carry forth the memories of our fallen servicemembers and elevate awareness of TSP to various communal regions throughout Maine. Prior to the ribbon cutting ceremony, servicemembers alongside military family members and civilians will march twenty-five stones 1.8 miles across the town of Lincoln to Machias Savings Bank as part of a LIVING MEMORIAL in honor of our fallen servicemembers from Maine. The march will begin at 4:30. Involved parties will meet by the town hall in Lincoln by 4:00. We encourage anyone interested in marching to contact Justin or Jessica to join. Spectators are welcome to line Main Street and West Broadway with your flags to show support. Tax deductible donations to TSP welcomed.
This event is open to Lincoln and surrounding Northern Maine communities and all of our surviving families. This will be a standing room event with limited seating arrangements at Machias Savings. Thank you in advance from all of us here at TSP for your unwavering support. It is in this faithful spirit that we can ensure that MAINE HEROES ARE NOT FORGOTTEN!