November 11, 2018 – A committed group of 128 men and women gathered at the 26 degree start line behind the YMCA in Ellsworth, Maine for the 5th annual Veterans Remembrance 4 Miler. Among them were 12 individuals carrying the stone and story of 12 fallen Maine heroes. It was cold, windy and icy in some places as the runners covered four miles along the Union River and returned to the Y. Our heroes and their families were well represented with two Gold Star family members running with stones and two remaining at the Y to support the TSP store! Present also were runners from Maine Veterans Project, the Maine Gold Star Memorial, Team RWB and dozens of veterans who run free at this annual event. A portion of the proceeds from this event are donated to The summit Project.
One Comment
I have to say the best 4 mile run I have done❤️ Thank you Joelle for getting us involved and thank you Joshua Barron, who’s stone I carried, for getting me to that finish line A truly amazing and inspiring morning and group of people❤️